Extemporaneous Debate
Extemporaneous Debate is a supplemental event that will be offered at every NFCFL tournament that has enough students to run rounds; however, it will not be an event that students can qualify in at Grands as NCFL does not offer it nationally.
Students compete in a one-on-one format with limited prep time to prepare for the topic they are to debate. Students present arguments and engage in rebuttals; however, unlike other common debate events, students debate a number of topics, as opposed to a single topic for the entire tournament. Each round students are presented a unique resolution. They are given a minimum of 30 minutes to prepare for the round. The use of evidence is permitted, but not a focal point due to the limited time available to prepare a case for the round. Considerations for Extemporaneous Debate Students who are interested in doing Extemporaneous Debate should be well versed in various topics since the resolutions for the debate change round to round. Students should be able to think quickly on their feet and work under time restrictions. Any student who does debate or Extemp is naturally drawn to Extemporaneous Debate. However, the event is not something that other public speakers or interpers should shy away from. Students who are knowledgeable, thoughtful, and able to process ideas quickly to formulate positions would find the event to be challenging and rewarding. Traits of Successful Extemp Debaters When considering what event to choose, or which direction to point a student selecting an event, here are some traits of successful Extemp Debate students to keep in mind: • Analytical • Broad knowledge base • Confident • Persuasive speaker • Quick thinker • Independent • Logical thinker |